Thursday, June 16, 2005


The old eye injury is open again. It happened last night, I've been able to keep it closed a lot this morning-and the kids didn't even try to get away with anything-so it's a little better. Let's hope this heals up again like it did last time.

My grandparents are coming in from California tonight, and staying for a few weeks, WOOHOO!! I am very excited. They haven't been back here for a very long time and have been very much missed.

My flowers are actually doing pretty well, amazingly enough. The hot days just dry them up, but we've been keeping them watered well, they don't have the benefit of all of the rain we've had as they are under the eaves of the house. The kids love helping water them all, and I get a kick out of watching them heft the big watering can.

The biggest news is concerning the nephew man, my sister is scheduled for a c-section on SATURDAY! WOOHOOO! He is almost here. She's a week overdue and definitely ready for him to be born. I cannot wait to see pictures of him and really wish I could be out there for his birth.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

ouch! no fun - wishing you speedy recovery