Saturday, July 16, 2005

Hooray for Harry!

I am now halfway through the brand new Harry Potter book, wheeee! Once again I am able to fall into a new adventure in the life of Harry Potter. I took my girls and my cousin's daughter to the Harry Potter party at Barnes & Noble last night. The girls had a blast and held out all the way through midnight, making wands, getting pictures taken, and just loving being up late and in the middle of things. We had some fun sitting in the cafe having drinks and pretzels and cheesecakes, I was pronounced "cool" by Grace-which made Abbie & Arenne look at me a little differently-and we hit the bargain tables where the girls found dream journals that we bought-along with a few more books for me-and kept them busy through midnight.

I was number 140 on the waiting list, but we were headed home by 12:20, very efficient and well done by B&N. I was really feeling for my friend who works there, not only did they start preparing and that at 6, but they would all have to stay and clean up AFTER the sales were finished. That had to be a late night.

All in all a great time, it was too fun being with the girls, even if it did make me feel a little old. I couldn't wait to get home and devour the book, but first I had to get three excited little girls laid down and then I read the book aloud to them until they fell asleep. Too sweet. We also brought home some of the souveniers for the boys, who really had wanted to go, but I knew wouldn't stay awake even for the car ride there.

Now, off to read some more!


Jewels said...

wow Lisa - good for you being one of the new HP book owners!! I'm slowly making my way thru the books; very cute reading I think.

Lisa said...

I really like them. I actually put it off for quite awhile and then read the first three one after the other, and devoured the rest when they came out. Love them!