Sunday, March 02, 2008

No more neoprogen!

As of yesterday I no longer have to get the neuprogen shots, WOOHOO!!! These were the more painful of the two. I am really hoping that all of my levels are up enough that I also will no longer need the epogen shots, but I won't find out until tomorrow.

It really looks like I am in remission and I cannot describe in words how great this feels. Incredible. I am waking up in the mornings with real energy, and making it through the days without having to nap. I do need a little downtime still, but I don't have that bone-tired exhaustion and it is amazing. I taught Sunday School today, went to church, out to lunch, have been able to clean my house and do laundry, I'm playing with my kids and still (mostly) have enough left to form sentences!

I did have a few reminders of the neuro failings today, when spelling the name Kia today at Sunday School I actually said Key-I-A. Key? Really?

I am so happy, so relieved, and so happy to be in this place. Just to be able to do normal daily activities is so nice and its a little funny to be happy about things like laundry, but it's so worth it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"I did have a few reminders of the neuro failings today, when spelling the name Kia today at Sunday School I actually said Key-I-A. Key? Really?"

Well I do that kinda stuff and I'm supposedly normal. ;) lol