It's funny how relaxing knitting is, as I have just learned it and am not that proficient yet. You'd think I'd be more frustrated. I am working on a felted bag for a little girl, another auction item and was trying to do a stockinette stitch for it. Then I realized I probably needed to get it done sometime this year so I frogged it and went to straight knitting. It is progressing much more quickly now. I am basically doing it in parts, 2 pieces for the front and the back, 1 for a flap, 2 for the sides, 1 for the bottom, and then a handle. I'll either sew it or crochet it together. The colors are very pretty, I will get a pic up soon.
On the very excited soon to be aunt front my sister has called me a few times lately with pregnancy questions. From the sounds of it, the little man nephew has dropped and is moving down WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO! She will be 37 weeks on Fri and is good to go after that, hopefully he will hold out for her. I am so very excited and a little sad that I am not with her for all of this, I always thought I would be, especially since I am the geekiest of us three sisters about these sorts of things. I cannot wait to see the little guy.
This also means I need to seriously get cracking on his blanket and little sweater/cardigan. And go through my boys clothes to send out to my sis. I am doing much better at organizing my days and getting things done lately, hopefully I can keep up with it . Summer is coming and I need to find us a daily routine. Drew graduated preschool yesterday, he has a picnic tomorrow and that is the end of his preschool year! Hard to believe. Abbie & Arenne have their last day of kindergarten next week. My kiddos are growing up very fast.
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