Sunday, December 17, 2006

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas treeeee!

Our new plan for decorating the tree is to use the soft, unbreakable ornaments we have and crafty paper ornaments made by the children. They are working diligently as I type on snowmen and bulbs and other more abstract ones (the four year old's) and happily hanging them on the tree. Much better than the glass bulbs the kittens will break because even though the water thing is working, they are still small kittens who forget they have learned to stay out of it.

Today was the kids' program at church, the boys were tentative but ended up doing it and my father was roped into playing Santa Claus, amazingly none of the kids realized it was him. I was for sure at least one of them would notice he looked a lot like Grandpa. Very fun and VERY cute, especially the littlest who was very outgoing with the microphone. He would say his first word quite loudly and the rest in a normal voice after a little hesitation. The crazy part is that I grew up in the same church and it is really weird to be the parent and not the kid in the play.

I CANNOT wait for my sisters and brother and brother in law and boyfriend in law and the little NEPHEW MAN to get here. One week, well for all except the sister and boyfriend in law, they will be spending Christmas in Canada with his family and get here on the 27th, hooray! I am so excited.

I worked a bit more on the colorful squares, now I am trying to decide how to join them and if I will indeed make a table runner out of them. Pretty sure I am, but I always get these crazy ideas in my head which I should just know to ignore but of course never do. I need to just make myself sit down and finish!

Dear Santa, for Christmas what I would like, aside from time with my family and those fun frog massager things at Walmart and new comfy pj's I would like for my digital camera to work again. Or to somehow get a fabulous new one.

Thank you! Fly safe!

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