Saturday, December 16, 2006

Well, the tree is up

but only has a couple ornaments on it. The kittens have decided it is a giant cat playground. We have taken to squirting them with water to get them down and away and for the most part it's working. They are little kid cats though and sometimes it is just too tempting. Also, the lights on it are sort of wonky-it's a pre-lit fake tree which I fought for awhile until we received it as a gift-and we've only used it once or twice so I'm thinking it's from being cramped up in storage. I'm still working on it.

Last night the husband and I were able to pawn the children off on my parents to sneak off to do some shopping (and go to a wine-tasting and dinner YAY!) We were able to get a really good chunk of gift buying done, so I am feeling a tad bit more prepared. We had a lot of fun picking out toys and stuff and I can't wait to get them out and play with them. I was thinking of taking the kids shopping for gifts for their cousins and grandparents but the thought of even shopping on a Saturday this close to Christmas makes me want to scream, much less with four children in tow. We'll just wait until next week and go an even more insane week night when I drag the husband with.

On a sadder note I think I left my scarf at the youngest's Christmas program, I need call the place and his daycare to see if anyone has found it. I love my purple scarf that matches my hat. The husband said "Well you can always make a new one." I DON'T WANT A NEW ONE! A friend said I should go with that and buy myself some really nice yarn to make it with-you told me to make a new one. ;) Hopefully it will turn up.

Today I think we will hang out at home, I'll catch up on laundry and hopefully get some knitting or crocheting in. Much better than braving stores anyday.

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