Friday, December 30, 2005

I have a pounding headache. And a cold. I am tired. My kids are insane. Calgon take me away.

I am making progress on my sister's bag though, thank goodness. My head is stuffed up so sound is all magnified and these children are so stir crazy it is really insane. How much longer for Christmas break? lol

Shhhh, it's a secret! Posted by Picasa

Here is my sister's purse I am madly crocheting away on, wheeee! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The New Year is almost here

The holidays are flying by.

I am working on my sister's purse, her birthday is New Year's Eve. We'll see if I can magically finish by then. ;)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Thursday, December 22, 2005

For some reason

I was a day ahead on the whole Christmas thing. I had thought Christmas was on Saturday, wooohooo a reprieve!

The only gifts we have left to get are for one of my sisters and Joe's brothers. Oh and all that wrapping. The plan is to get the hosue cleaned tomorrow and start on the wrapping, wish me luck!

I finished the black and white hat, I'll have to post a picture, and I've started the shawl, I love the colors of the yarn I've chosen.

When weather men try to be funny I'd like to smack the crap out of them. WE DON'T WANT YOUR FUNNY, WE JUST WANT THE FORECAST MOTHERFUCKER!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Apparently I only needed to bitch about the camera to get it to work. ;) Here's an extreme close-up of the sixth bag, which is still blocking. Posted by Picasa

This is the hat I made for myself. The picture isn't the greatest but I am going with it. It's purple with bits of red, I love it. Posted by Picasa

A close-up of the flower, upon posting I am thinking I should've messed around more with it in Fireworks. Ah well. Posted by Picasa

Here is the first bag where the flower will go. You'll have to use your imagination as the flower will be felted and a taaad bit smaller. Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 19, 2005

Okay so it's Christmas time,

and I'm sure any readers would understand this time of year being busy. Right?

Still no pictures of the bags. :( My digital camera is doing all sorts of weird things and not taking pictures or holding a charge, grrrr. So no before pictures of the last three bags, and I also forgot to take before measurements. Sigh. If all fails I will resort to a cell phone pic, but you probably wouldn't be able to tell what the picture is of.

The bags are all felted and blocked and some just need their handles assembled. I am also adding a flower onto one of them for sure. My aunt decided to use them as birthday gifts for the year, you can imagine how relieved I was at finishing them so close to Christmas and feeling horrible and wondering exactly how much overnight shipping would cost and then finding out I could relax just a tiny bit. Whew.

Up next are two bags for my Grandma and my sister, and Arenne and Abbie have requested their own, especially when they learned I could add things like flowers to them. lol. I have to say at this point I am pretty bagged out, and am very glad I didn't commit to any other Christmas projects. I am determined to make myself a scarf to match the hat I made myself that I promise to take pictures of IF my camera cooperates at some point.

As for the non-yarn news, I am actually more ready for Christmas than I have been in the past as far as buying gifts goes. Wrapping is an entirely different story and I predict the same process as last year where I decided Santa gifts should not be wrapped! Wheee! I am hoping to finish up the shopping tomorrow and who knows when the wrapping will take place as I am working in the evenings and the kids will be off school starting Wednesday. If only the 3 year old could be distracted for me to get them done Wednesday but we all know that is impossible.

My sisters and family are coming into town at the end of the week, I am SO excited. I think I will steal the baby and take him home with us. I can't wait to see how much he has changed and hear him screech in person. Why is that now I can just laugh at the screeching? With my own I really wanted to invest in some earplugs, but with the nephew it is the CUTEST THING EVER! Probably like all things baby and child-related, I can send him home. ;) I can't wait to be able to see my sisters in person again and just have some really good family time.

I somehow have got to get more in the whole holiday spirit thing because it feels just like any other Monday except that I have more to do in a week. Hard to believe Christmas is THIS WEEKEND. Gah and someone light a happymerryjoyfulholidaychristmas fire under my ass, please.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Still no pictures

Soon, I promise. I know they are the most exciting part. ;)

In the meantime, check out Guster, one of the best bands of all time.

Monday, December 12, 2005

A felting we will go!

It's felting day for two of the bags, I've finally finished sewing their pockets on. I don't know why sewing on the pockets seems so tedious to me. Probably because I feel like they should be done but then I've still got to do that part.

This time around I was smart and wrote down the bags dimensions so I can re-measure after felting and see how much they shrink. It should be interesting not only to know for future projects, but also because I have some knit and some crochet and I can see if there is a difference in the finished projects.

I'm working in the evenings starting tonight so pics will have to wait.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My uncle's brother

passed away this week. He was 54. 54 years old, with children, and grandchildren, his wife, his parents, brothers and sisters. It was sudden and he was too young. It's still unbelievable that he is gone, even though I attended his funeral today. Still unbelievable. My heart breaks for his entire family, his friends, and for those of us who considered him family.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Bag Order Status

I am now on bags 5 & 6. One knit, one crochet. This way I can alternate for a little variety. I still need to make a handle and pocket for bag #4, and then felt 2, 3, & 4. My plan is to do that on Monday, and finish up these other two bags and get them all done by the end of the week. Let's see if I can actually do it!

Next up are bags for my grandma and sister, for their birthdays. I already have the yarn. Thankfully it's different colors than I've been using. I REALLY want to get started on the cabled backpack from Knitpicks, but alas it will have to wait. I also am dying to make some socks and felted hats. I do need to make a hat for Mr. Blue, so I'll throw that in there somewhere.

I think I could sit and knit and watch Law & Order all the time.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bag #4 so far. It was feeling a bit men's sport sock to me, but hopefully as I add the rest of the colors that image will leave my mind.  Posted by Picasa

Here are the two squares I made for the Sybermoms Warm Up America blanket(s). In Bernat Denim Style, I just need to weave in the ends. I'd love to get these purses done so I can do some more squares. Posted by Picasa