Saturday, January 02, 2010

Wow. April was the last time I posted?

Oh my. The absent blogger again returns. Le sigh.

Home desktop is online again, yay! I also have a fancy iPhone as well, so hopefully I will return a tad more often. Sheesh, even once a month would be good at this point.

Here's what's happened since April: family, work, church, family, work, church. I also have a new niece (Joe's brother & his girlfriend) and now my sister is expecting in June. YAY! We had everyone back for the holidays which was wonderful and now are settling into the post-holiday crash. My illness has been up and down, with a lot of downs. I have a new rheumatologist who I really like but have only seen once, I go back on the 11th. I am hopeful that he will be able to help me live to the fullest and not just try to treat the pain. For the first time ever I kept track of all the books I read in 2009. I made it to 198, including all the books of the Bible. It was really cool to see all I have read and thanks to some other voracious readers I am now on (link to come when I am less lazy) and loving tracking the books I've read there. ESPECIALLY because more than a few times I've gotten books only to get a few pages in and realize I've already read them. I had hoped to make it to 200, since I was so close, but spent time with family instead. Next year maybe.

This year I am going to try Project365, although if my blog posting is any indication I might make it a month. Hoping to go through the year though!!!

It's good to be back. Aaaaaah.

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas and peace and love to you all. May you receive and recognize God's blessings throughout the year!!!!

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