I am a bad, bad blog neglector. Since my last post I have gone back to work, kids are fully in school and daycare and my baby turned 4. Today I turn 31. Wheeee!
I am having a really great birthday, still in my jammies, I got to sleep in, the husband made a yummy breakfast and I have been vegging, knitting, reading, and playing on the internet. Tonight we are going to dinner with my parents and grandma and I am excited. All around it's been a really nice day. My grandparents out in California just called, it's so great to hear from them.
For the past few months I've been busy with going back to work after my hysterectomy and catching up there, the husband has moved to a new job and his hours have changed a few times. Things finally seem to be evening out, as calm as it can get with two working parents and 4 kids.
In knitting/crochet news I am making my first Kitty Pi bed, for our new kitties, Sophie and Sadie. I am now towars the end of it and can't wait to see it finished. I am also still working on my crocheted squares that I may or may not have blogged about previously. It's been so long I really don't remember. I am using the book I got on Crocheted Squares and bright colors of Cotton-ease to make a table runner or cloth, depending on how many squares I am able to make with the yarn I have. I finally felted the purse for my grandma, but it is sort of wonky so I am going to refelt and block it out again. I have also not refelted the purse for my sister yet, hopefully I can do both of them at the same time and get them sent out!
I am really excited because I was given a Barnes & Noble giftcard from my in-laws and am going to get Socks Soar on Circular Needles by Cat Bordhi. I have been wanting to get it forever and maybe I will actually finish some socks! So far I haven't gotten beyond the toe of one and the cuff of another.
This is a chintzy update, especially without pictures, hopefully I'll be able to liven it up soon. As well as catch up on all my blog reading, I SO miss that! If anybody is still reading here and hasn't given up on, post me a note and let me know how you're doing!